Ecology of the Spirit

Hall of Learning

Waking from the Dream



Portals of Consciousness


Living Library

Hall of Ignorance

Hall of Ignorance

Hall of Learning

Hall of Learning



Hall of Wisdom

Hall of Wisdom

Archival Self

Archival Self

The Plutonian energy represented through the Hall of Learning rules the underword with the capacity for transforming the human seed of darkness as it breaks its shell and moves into the light to develop into full potential. Thus, this transformative Plutonian force symbolizes death of the personality caught in the illusory binding of the Global lie, as it has rulership over the instinctive forces that lie buried deep within the unknown parts of the self. It’s cathartic energy cleanses the waters of the habituated robo-self opening to full sensory-feeling range that is passionate, spontaneous, free, co-creative, imaginative and telepathic in communion with the Spirit in Nature. The journey into love and reverence for life on Earth re-educates the bio-psycho-spiritual circuits for synthesis with the kosmic heart and Soul of our Planetary Mother.


Eco Mind
The Synergistic Relation between Personal and Planetary Well Being


“Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace.” ~ Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize, l950

There is a synergistic interplay between planetary and personal well-being, as humanity and Earth are cooperatively linked in the quest for remembrance. Hence, this great recapitulation has great relevance to human survival and reclaiming living relationships with Nature. Without Earth, the human race cannot survive, but Earth can survive without the human race. Humanities disconnection from the sustenance of Earth’s umbilical cord is causing the collective consciousness to awaken, as in a gasping for air when one has lost consciousness and been resuscitated. In this sober awakening of revitalized breath comes attunement and harmonization with the principles of self-preservation that helps us to tap into our primordial essence – the primordial essence or living record of Kosmic evolution (the natural systems within the unfolding sequence of physical, biological, mental, and cultural systems) that traces back to distant initial conditions in the history of time. This phylogenetic memory produces an awakening in consciousness in a global sense of inter-relatedness, a shared consciousness to a Gaian field reality.

The basic comprehension that the body of Earth is our Mothership is capable of turning the course of history. To do so, requires bridging the gaps between extremes in consciousness, such as alienation between the urban psyche and the age-old natural environment, and species supremacy so that we may move into higher vibrational frequency attunement in tandem with Gaia-Sophia’s awakening. The intra-psychic-transformation from the paradigms of separation (isolationism) and competition, to newer world views of interrelationship and interconnectedness of Life, opens the heart-mind to universal understanding of right relations. We must be in dialogue with one another and across the spectrums of tradition, religion, businesses, education, teaching and working from the center of reverence where there is commitment in action to produce harmonious outcome in attunement with the Spirit in Nature.

As a Planetary Ethics materializes there is transmutation of the world Soul into a new shared concensus reality based upon a simple agreement of egalitarianism comprehended by all. This internal process of reconstruction aka bridge building or intra-psychic-transformation concerns the purification (death) of the destructive old world paradigms that siphon and suppress generative energy, for one that nurtures the regenerative function that whole underlies the whole of existence. This purifactory shift is a revolution of consciousness that touches all the fields of human endeavor (science, medicine, education, archeology, religion, the arts, government, etc.) with each equally undergoing a renaissance of the human spirit engaged with a sense of ethical responsibility to the planet reflected through the ethical responsibility to the people, sentient life forms, and finally woven into the fabric of social relations and political decisions. This ecocentric paradigm is the link that connects intelligence with the heart and a cooperative effort to reclaim the Earth and reanimate our connection with Nature.

Internal healing always engenders tremendous positive energy and a completely new vision of life’s direction and meaning. Let us dance with Earth, walk in beauty and live in her rhythm, re-enchanting us back into our true Nature through Nature and with Nature.

Gaian Bio-Mysticism Series:  PRINT
Entheogenic Dreaming 
By Alisa Battaglia©2016

My Adventure in Michigan Forest

Ginger Rose on Forest Homestead
in Huron National Forest

What We Are To Do

The seven building blocks of reality are: Thought and Belief, Emotions, Intentions, Relationships, Turning Points and Breakthroughs, Environment, and Vision. ~ Deepak Chopra

Daily we experience the dragging down of humanity, the heavy weight of those that have yet to take responsibility for their actions, learning and healthy expression…they add their part in the whole (adventure). From this we see how each, then, contributes errs to the planet and that each although, often irresponsible has contributed their contamination to the collective Woe of humanity. Once we become aware we are responsible! We are threads to the weave and all of us together create the design!!! To recover our sanity, we must reconnect our psyche with nature’s genius and restore its strength and peace in our consciousness, thoughts and soul.

• Nature Makes the Rules.
• Be Free of Hubris toward the Earth.
• Know yourself as Nature – her wisdom is inherent in your Soul & biology. The Soul is bound to the Spirit in Nature.
• Reconnect with the Natural world – to trustfully return to your (subconscious) origins in Nature.
• Use your creative (generative) energies to help you remember how to live in harmony with joy and wisdom.
• Establish a nurturing relationship with Nature – animals and some aspect of gardening: growing food, flowers, herbs, trees, etc. to support sensations from direct contact with Nature in the moment.
•Overcome rigid dichotomized thinking between the genders, between Nature and humanity. Mend the gender gap.
• Stay focused in the present – your wholeness is what you think, feel, say and do in the immediate moment, all else is images, labels and stories.
• Value the bio-diversity throughout Nature and you will come to value the diversity in human life.
• Become aware of Earth’s moods, her daily rhythms for your attunement, healing and wellbeing.
• The Planet communicates with us in the primal language of frequency. Align with Nature’s maverick genius – Assimilation through Resonance.
• Create Nature-centered cultures – resonant with Natures intelligence.
• Assist in mending what is left of the web of Life that has been decimated and defiled.


Alisa Battaglia©2010-2018