Hall of Ignorance
Portals of Consciousness
The Hall of Ignorance through Saturnian energy represents the Great Teacher for humanity through the first law of manifestation – the law of limitation. We experience limitation through the testing of limits, habituations, illusions, mental and emotional constructs. Passing the tests of Saturn requires crucifixion of the dark self, the sheath, or mask we wear before we are free of the unlit self. Within its malefic structure, we inevitably learn discipline and responsibility in the cultivation of our Inner Diamond and the Diamond that lay within the Earth as a collective unit of consciousness.
“Be not intimidated… nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery, and cowardice.”~John Adams
The fabric of the world Matrix is an Archontic illusion – a planetary maze of deception, a web within a web embedded with memes injected into the mindstream of humanity like a virus infecting the veins of culture.
This intentional heisting of the collective thought-stream and steering it like cattle into prepackaged paradigms that are anti-erotic, anti-nature and anti-feminine uses the dominance of religion, authority and five sense reality lockdown. Cognitive dissonance, self-denial, loss of conscience and ego-identification pushes left brain imbalance into overdrive. The overdrive keeps us stuck on the great wheel of karma…with a redundancy that perpetuates war at every level of life. There is no authenticity, no creativity, only repetition compulsion – gross habituation, a roteness that is devoid of self discovery, spontaneity and where authentic beauty is imprisoned in mind-games – easy to program, easy to manipulate through a directive script borne of a single source creator, a fake patriarchal off-planet God.
The slow suction of our generative life force is only noticeable over time. The effects are loss of vital energy, tiredness, weakness, lack of will and an overall inertia to face things in life. This loss of creative energies fogs the brain and thwarts us into survival mode making us easy to manipulate by catalyzing the emotions via instinctual responses. Once the hook binds consciousness it can be diverted into synthetic pathways with its false stories that shapes our beliefs and thus, support the concoction of faulty paradigms. Yet, if we pay close attention we can feel this vampiric tethering and pull out the negative psychic and emotional hooks – the feeding tubes that are draining our life field. Every psychic hook has an emotional correlate. The negative emotions we generate are the energies that feed these intrapsychic parasites. Dissolving our emotional charges into neutrality and standing in self-sovereign power pierces the illusion and dissolves the psychic hook.
Who are the Archons and what are the effects of these intra-psychic predators upon the minds of humanity, culture and Nature and how are they played out in the construct of matter – the terrestrial sphere of physical plane existence we call Earth? Geo-Engineering.
The insult to the Life Urge results in gross divisiveness in the misuse of masculine energy and its dominator principles that has divorced the gender allies from one another to produce a sexual caste system generating extremism in the mistrust in human relationships. When imbalanced masculine force has been instilled at the base level of consciousness and its definitions woven into the fabric of social consciousness, human evolutionary potential ceases and a superficial or artificial life takes over. We must heed the warnings of our ancient family of this deceit. A deceit that has overlaid the natural generosity of human love, who can give love, but can no longer receive love due to the out-setting of the feminine quotient.
Photo of Marble Statue in Italy
Florence or Vatican
The Chilbolton Crop Circle’s
Alien Message Decoded
It is here that humanity must be ever vigilant to determine as to whether this value system of extreme left brain masculine dominance supports or destroys life and to be clear as to what value system their energies are supporting and preserving for future generations. Our answers will determine the changes that we each must make in our lives and the program that must be set into place accordingly that moves us into balance or whole self wellbeing. We can start with ending exploitive economic and political arrangements that are sustained by a continuing surplus of expendable human energy, such as war and taxation of human labor. This means fostering co-creative and collaborative egalitarian enterprises of people’s labor and its results. These cooperative efforts work to create self-sovereignty and limited government. Essentially, this re-formation or “correction” in achieving a New Planetary Ethics will lead to a People’s Revolution as it had via Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution and those that came before them.
People are saying…
Alisa….This is so awesome…I have sensed your great power to transmute on large scales…a LOT of the Kali energy…destroy the structure of the old by shining a light on it and rebuilding on a foundation of unconditional love for all including yourself. ~ Don Simon
I really do appreciate your sincerity and depth Alisa. And your commitment and devotion … to skillful integrative action and service in the highest good, to staying true to your rich vision of transformation, evolution and ascendance, across all dimensions – social, political, deep ecological, psychospiritual, the physical and the metaphysical.
And I bow to your sadhanas of self purification, of refining and deepening awareness, redirecting attention and intention, education, and so much more – all in service of realizing and manifesting a transcendent abode of love and truth and beauty, peace, harmony and justice. … In which the many realize their true collective purpose, their vast potential, their underlying oneness, their essential divinity, … to go on to co-create and establish a Divine new order on earth and beyond. It is all very beautiful. Again I bow to you. ~ Mischa Rinder