Spiritual Midwifery
Wise Woman Counsel
Simple Love Coaching
Birthing into Awareness
“The Divine Feminine Wisdom is the integral link to rebirth. Its about connecting with your Soul, opening your heart and merging with the Divine.”
~ Alisa Battaglia
Spiritual Midwifery is a teaching perspective that inspires, nurtures and celebrates the birth of spiritual awareness through Divine Feminine wisdom. The Divine Feminine is the integral link to manifestation, creativity, self-empowerment, and liberation. With cooperative masculine force, the two meld to ground Spirit into earthly life and marry Earth with Spirit. Through deeply therapeutic processes, you are guided to understand these powerful spiritual energies that comprise you in the exploration of self at the bio-psycho-spiritual levels for greater congruency: alignment, integrity and personal power.
In this incredible journey of rhythms and cycles of life’s triumphs and challenges, as a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth you discover challenges and invitations that call forth your own evolution. This process of inner alignment prepares you to cultivate the jewel within your bosom – the Inner Diamond awaiting activation. Only YOU can activate your feeling heart by giving yourself permission, or to invite another to activate it through Love. The heart is the space of the sacred feminine, the soul of the feminine body and the womb of life. It is from where you act from connected wholeness. The weaving of feminine overlight that connects the mind, body, heart, and Spirit in the exciting journey of meeting “you with the authentic You” – the Essential Self in creative purpose, provokes higher evolutionary potential.
Through wise counsel, I guide you to live anchored in the confidence and wisdom of your body and teach you tools to trust your inner barometer to walk you through life’s detours – and the sometimes dark passages on your journey. You don’t need to be scared. As you shift, I support you through these powerful changes. You are not alone!
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~Maria Robinson
Cultivate your Inner Diamond
You start where you are
and move forward
Your Soulmap is the direction for your life. Opening your intuition and trusting it as you move through the dark night of the Soul is about cathartic transformation, rather than self-obliteration! It is about pulling the roots of fear and experiences that have arrested development in areas of your life that are no longer working for you…situations and relationships that bleeds your womb energy lost through the fissures of your cracked womb. To mend and heal, I Invite you to bridge experiences of duality and master change. The only way out is through! The INVITATION!
Manifestation, Creativity, Self-Empowerment & Liberation
is the Sacred Union of the Individualized Consciousness
My services are offered through the law of attraction. The wo-men who are drawn to my work are ready to explore a new open-ended paradigm for conscious living and loving. She seeks to free herself from shame, blame, fear of intimacy, social conditioning, and judgment. She is ready to cut the energetic cords of relationships that steal her life energies and to affirm strong personal boundaries rather than giving her power away. She is ready to accept her worth and celebrate her physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual aspects by learning to stay present, to honor her emotional needs and her sexual beingness. She is open to experience new ways of thinking and feeling, of living and loving. She values being inner-directed and is taking responsibility for creating her own life, rather than being victim to circumstance or mindlessly handing over her sovereign power to others in thought, word, or action. She is learning to trust her body wisdom, her higher sense faculties and is focused within for answers and her own fulfillment. Such women are wanting a life of grounded purpose and unlimited possibility that is her birthright. She is becoming the Master of Herself.
My style is multi-faceted. I work on multi-dimensional levels and utilize myriad tools that can easily be integrated into your life to assist the release of incongruency patterns at multiple levels. It does not have to be painful and you don’t have to walk it alone. Discovering new parts of yourself is a Joy and a Blessing for a life well lived!
The Invitation
Intuitive Guidance
- Are you seeking clarity and understanding around a particular issue, person or event?
- Do you wish to gain insight into who you are and right livelihood?
- Are patterns repeating keeping you stuck and you need guidance out of your rut?
- Do you feel uninspired & your creative energy is stale?
- Do you feel drained, like your energy is being siphoned?
Yes I want an Intuitive session with Alisa now
Mentoring 6 Sessions
- Are you Ready to Push past the stuck areas of your life?
- Open to an Expanded perspective?
- Ready to Tap into the inherent wisdom of your body?
- Willing to Awaken the dormant life energies…your chakras…your inherent power?
- Would you Like to live with greater congruency between what you think, feel, say and do with integrity and personal power?
Yes I want to start a session with Alisa now
Wardrobe & Image
- Want new looks with the clothes you already own?
- Need help accessorizing?
- Want to learn your body type?
- What styles and colors flatter you most?
- Ready for a new image to suit the new you?
- Want to learn how to project your authentic self with ease and confidence?
Yes I want a wardrobe Consult with Alisa now