The Path of Union and the Law of Opposites
By Alisa Battaglia
Duality is not the nature of the Universe. Duality is an Illusion of a particular reality consensus held. It is the end product of ultimate equilibrium disturbed.
The foundation of the Path of Union recognizes the evolutionary process of the Soul and is thus, based within the living energy fields of sentient Earth. There is no ascension (disembodied enlightenment). The Soul of the luminous child of Nature is already ascended and eternal. It is a non-physical projection into the physical body as an extension of Source energy.
The bio-psycho-Spiritual process is about incarnational experience and expansive growth through the connection with Nature realities. Our Soul is connected to planet Earth and our Spirit is connected to the galactic core, our Source and origin. We are a part of Nature and her magnetism with this Planet, as we are to the electrical impulse of Spirit.
The illusion of separation is an Archon implant via the construct of the ego-complex that separates Soul and Spirit from physical awareness – to induce the human Soul into automaton from Source energy expression. The ego driven personality is inauthentic, divisive and thus, cannot participate directly with the Miracle of Life. As such, the unmanaged state of being is a threat to sovereign conscience and connection with the Spirit in Nature. The egos mechanized behavior bifurcates the fluidity of the bio-psycho-spiritual complex as the attention streaming is redirected into automaton and false authority, and today, via the technological trickery of simulation. For instance, cultural Memes are implanted into our minds that point to how we are to live by guiding attitudes that we end up living through scripts indirectly controlling what we think, feel, say, and do. Furthermore, we are convinced that the imprisoning social edifice is real offering freedom through its simulations and virtual realities. We are convinced that second hand experience is better than direct experience, that the authority imposed on us is to protect us from our sovereign conscience and that artificial is better than the natural forms of sustenance, healing, beauty, and perfection of Nature. Ultimately, these substitutions in lieu of the natural world disconnect the life umbilicus from Earth sustenance, asphyxiating the human spirit and inducing the human Soul into automaton. This Archontic deception played out by its psychopathic minions in vie for power and control over all life, is the source of evil on our planet. We know EVIL by its “death urge agenda” that defies innate human goodness. Truth is inverted, which works against the symbiotic unity of life and impedes our species’ capacity to survive and thrive.
Nature, we begin to unfold unto our co-creative life potential in our current incarnational gender body in the fusion of opposites.
Polarity is the law of life with its opposites, of attraction and repulsion or positive and negative currents of spiritual masculine and feminine force. Creation brings forth energetic opposites by its centrifugal force. They oppose each other on the surface and unite in the center creating equilibrium, as opposites have their origin in the common center of unity – the two in the One. Union is the merging of these two currents into One Focused Essence, an infusion of sorts. Thus, the focus of masculine and feminine spiritual energies is to find the co-creator within the other. Heterosexual love is the attraction of opposites and follows the same principle dynamic of compatibility as in all of creation.
The human personality also functions under the same uniting principle. To unite in the center of love, inner separations or gaps in consciousness need bridging in order to empath, rather than psychopath. The degrees of separation between head and empathic heart vary from individual to individual according to perceptual faculties. Myopia (short sightedness) amounts to broken filaments of light (vibration/frequency) with Source Consciousness streaming. Perforations within the light patterns break or disconnect our ability to see the whole Truth as it is. Too many people tend to think in terms of binary – good/bad, black/white, etc that causes bifurcation, a splitting of reality.
Within the myriad fields of mindal energies are patterns in variant expressions of frequency. The frequency output of harmony, love, and intelligence is an organized flow compared to the turbulent flow of unprocessed fear, anger, and pain. The directional flows are what produces our vectors of perception. For instance, a particular resonant pattern or energy signature is created from the inter-relationship we have with life: the Soul in relation to Spirit – our purpose and Soul expression; the Soul in relation to our personality structure – the amount of fusion between the heart and mind; sexuality and creative expression – how we care for our bodies and express our life urge through our gender body; and fusion of masculine and feminine spiritual forces; the personality in relationship with others – the misplaced chasm between men and women; and a reflection of our internal relationship with the conditions of the outer environment – our general surroundings and the relationship with self between Earth, Nature and our Kosmic heritage. As one can imagine, life is a myriad of interpenetrating relationships that form patterns or blueprints of intricate fields of life energy that informs all life in the NOW. All life holds a particular energy signature that contributes to Life’s orchestra. What sounds are you making?
The foundational energy pattern wrests upon integrated masculine and feminine forces within each of these areas of life to create balance, ease, and self-transformation. However, for many, entire internal content is missing. Polarity Integration is a composite approach that involves drawing out inhibitions and developing them, in addition to aligning inner and outer multiplicities or cleavages in the personality complex within the greater whole. This psychological fusion aligns us with the Divine Circuit of wholeness that is Love. As we are brought into closer alignment with our Authentic Self, Love energy begins its reweaving process filling the gaps, fissures, holes, and tears caused from fear, pain, deception, and trauma in the blanket of our creative expression. When we are on the track of love, we widen the sphere of our personal reality. As this ever-expanding awaring Self learns to persevere in the commitment of change and permits within a fullness of experience, a loving relationship with Self and all of life is realized. Reverence is born.
To begin to understand the forces at work in our lives, of grounding Spirit into matter, we move within to honor the sacred feminine, the pathway of the Divine Feminine in conjugation with Spirit. To correctly handle these forces of polarity, a strong relationship between the inner structure of our deepest self and the outer form or physical expression must be built.
Without this internal union, Spiritual energy is not properly distributed through the senses because the mind cannot hold or focus the continual stream of incoming spiritual energy with equilibrium. A lack of coordination causes the mind to resist and thus, poor decisions made and actions performed create a reality based on faulty perceptions, fantasies, or illusions. When there lacks inner integration, our perceptions also reflect that confusion and we cannot see with clarity or volition.
Volition or awareness posits the right use of the intellect in order to heal cleavages in consciousness or reasoning ways of thinking. Awareness is curative and if rightly focused, the release of blocked or inhibited energies awakens the mind to a deeper connection with soul and Nature’s forces. All problems inevitably resolve themselves through correct handling of force. It is simply a matter of proper distribution of energy or point of focus – that is… upon what we choose to place our attention! Ponder this last statement.
Polarity Integration is a bio-psycho-spiritual process that brings to attention an individual’s energy signature and their energetic complexities within the body’s own energy field and their expression within larger fields. While each individual is comprised of differentiating energies that include; stages of development or point of evolution, states of consciousness, amplitudes of heart, environing conditions, hereditary factors, ancient DNA, and aspect of Spirit or conditioning Ray, all must be investigated to ascertain where the lack of coordination within ones energy field exists. This means that results will differ according to where an individual is, the origin, and complexity of a pattern, but always addressing the most problematic of the aggregate bodies (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), first. This process of unfolding occurs in progressive stages: dissolution (letting go), alignment or congruency between what you think, feel, say and do, integration (interface of personality with Soul) with use of Nature’s initiatory tools for somatic enlightenment.
Edited excerpt from “The Septenate Human ~ A Spiritual Psychology of Alignment, Integration and Initiation,” By Alisa Battaglia©2008-2019