The Human Heart is the Living Map to Guide us
into the Heart of the Living Mother

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of everyone.”
~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.” ~Antoine De Saint-Exupery

The language of the Universe is reflected through the Soul in its perspective of a unified consciousness that is imbued with the eternal trinity of the good, the beautiful and the true. The seat of the Soul is the heart and therefore, the language of Soul is the language of the Heart and also the language of Nature, since the Soul is bonded into the Earth’s magnetic body inasmuch that Spirit is anchored into the Pleroma, the electrical force of creation at the heart of the Galactic Center. This means that the language of the Soul communicates multidimensionally through the nexus of the heart in wholeness. According to the attribute of our heart is the reflective action, our measure of selflessness or selfishness. The variety of those interactions reflects the consciousness of our hearts’ that creates our experiences and how we communicate them to others. When there is the simple awareness that pain, trauma and fear (anger) keeps us from being totally involved in the now we begin to understand volition and right action. We recognize that what does not stand in love within us needs to be worked out with a mind connected within the Spirit in Nature’s Intelligent Love.

Right action or volition is the primary force of motivation that distinguishes the personality of the Soul from the personality desires of the masked or automated self. The motivation of Soul energy can be felt as a feeling-intellect within the heart, the impulse of compassion that moves us from the thick walls of selfishness into an ever-widening inclusiveness with life. It is from that place that we honestly attempt to be authentic as we are motivated through courage, inspiration and energy – the territory of the unfolding petals of the inner heart.

With an open heart it becomes easier to fight our selfishness with generosity and we begin to understand the language our Soul impulse seeks to communicate to us. When we listen to these subtle directive inner promptings, we nourish our Soul desires and trust its guidance more into our lives instead of fearing and going against our Essential Self. Our Soul interfaces with our personality vehicle the more we honor others and ourselves by following through on our commitments, contribute our skills and knowledge in a loving and patient way. As we accept our selves, learn tolerance and unconditional love we raise the vibrations of our energy body attracting to us those of similar attributes of heart and essentially energies of higher quality vibrations that resounds outwardly into the world.

To invoke spiritual energy to help us heal or to show us our path of purpose, we ground into the womb of Nature, center our mind and expand our hearts. Then we simply state our needs, dreams and desires, forgive and then let go of our attachments and preconceived process of how things should be done. We release the tentacles of our mind that wraps around things we identify with (our conditioning) so that we may let things happen and surrender the “how” to the miracle-producing Universe. We listen and move in rhythm with the Divine Heart of the Mother where love flows in Equipoise lovingly bringing calm, receptivity, aliveness and joy into our lives. The purpose of ensoulment is a life in aliveness, never angst, fear or derision.

Excerpts from The Essential Self, Cultivating the Sacred Feminine through Polarity Integration by Alisa Battaglia©2005-2018

A Choice For Humanity
Love or Fear?